Mr Marzola's Classroom Blog

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Review of "The Egypt Game" by Hannah Strang

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Title:The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Hi! I'm here to tell you about "The Egypt Game." This is an exiting and suspense-filled book in which two girls, April and Melanie, make up a game where they become Egyptians and act out Ancient Egyptian rituals. Melanie, April, and Melanie's little brother Marshall play this game each day after school, and another three players eventually join the game. It's not all fun and games though, because the police have found evidence that a murderer might live in the six Egyptians' neighborhood! You'll have to read the book to find out what happens to the Egyptians and more importantly, the Egypt Game.

I thought that "The Egypt Game" was a good book, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves suspense and surprises. I enjoyed how April and Melanie were so different from each other, and yet, when they were together they made up the greatest of ideas! I also liked how the Egypt Game was played in both good, and evil perspectives. However, I thought that "The Egypt Game" was sometimes boring. Some times it was all talk and no action. Besides that, I thought that "The Egypt Game" was a very good book, and I think that you'll enjoy it too.

Reviewed by: Hannah Strang
Rating out of Five Stars: * * * * (4 out of 5)