Mr Marzola's Classroom Blog

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

December Book Review by Rebecca Reisberg

Title: The Outsiders
Author: S.E. Hinton
Rating: ***** (5\5)

The Outsiders is about Ponyboy Curtis and his brothers Sodapop and Darrel (Darry). Yes, those are their real names. They are part of a gang called the Greasers who are the poor boys and from the East Side. They are rivals against the Socials or Socs the rich kids, from the West Side. Everything goes on as normal: Socs jumping (beating up) the Greasers until one night. Soon everything changes and grades go from A's to F's and Ponyboy goes from eating like a horse to everything tasting like baloney. Will things ever be the same for Ponyboy?

I think this book was awesome! It is an good example of friendship. It shows that you don't have to be rich to have good friends, good grades and a good life. It shows how brothers stick together and don't let anything split them up. Even though they drink, smoke, steal, and wear too much hair grease, they are good kids deep down. I have learned a lesson from this book: You don't have to have everything, even nothing at all to be happy.