Chasing the Falconers
Title: Chasing the Falconers
Written by: Gordon Kormon
Rating: 5 out of 5
Genre: Reilistic Fiction
Reviewed by: Erin Kielmeyer
Chasing the Falconers is about two ecscaped fugitives fleeing across the country. Aiden and his younger sister Meg are trapped in a juvenile detention center named Sunnydale because they had no where to go since there parents are in jail. There parents have been framed and the kids are determened to prove them inocent. When a accident happens they have a chance to ecscape. On their way to Vermont the run into Miguel who had also ecscaped from Sunnydale. He helps Aiden and meg flee from the cops many times. But when Miguel gets shot and gets turned in they're on there own again.
I think this book was excelent. I would recomed this book to anyone who likes reading about adventures. I really like how the author uses a lot of detail about the setting, the characters feelings, and whats happening. Using all the detail made me feel like I was in the sory and most of the time I couldn't put it down. I didn't like how it didn't say much about how the parents were framed or what they were framed for. I highly recomened this book.
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