Mr Marzola's Classroom Blog

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Stephs Egypt Game review

Realistic fiction
Title: The Egypt game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Reviewed by: Stephanie Low

Dear Mr. A's class

The Egypt Game all begins when April Hall's mother, Dorothea, sends April to her grandmother Carolines house. When Melanie meets April she thinks they will have nothing in common, but she soon finds out that they both love anything to do with ancient Egypt. Then they find a deserted storage yard, belonging to the professor and decide it is perfect for The Egypt Game. Then a horrible problem strikes. Will they ever see Egypt again? Then more weird things go on with the Egypt Game. Has the game gone to far?

I really liked this The Egypt Game. I always wanted to read more. There was much suspense and humor used. It was one of the best books I have read.

Zilpha Keatly Snyder did a great job writing this book. She made the characters seem as if they were alive and made it seem as if you were there. The six members to the Egypt Game are April, Melanie, Toby, Ken, Elizabeth and Marshall. They are all very unique.

I would rate this book a five out of five. It was a great book and I loved reading it!

Stephanie Low

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Brian's Egypt Game Book Review

Title: The Egypt Game
By: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Rating: 2 out of 5
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Reviewed By: Brian Seymour

In the Egypt Game, 12-year-old April Hall comes to live with her grandmother, Caroline, at the Casa Rosada while her mother is away on tour. Later she meets a new friend, Melanie Ross. As they are hanging out together, they discover the Professor's storage yard, and decide to build a new land, a land they could call their own, a land called Egypt. As the game goes on there are six Egyptians instead of two. Together they make up nicknames, and heiroglyphs, and oracles. Just trying to keep a secret. But what if it wasn't a secret? What if someone was hiding in the shadows... watching their every move.

I give this book a 2 out of 5 because I thought it gave too much away. For example, in one chapter it says "That was the day a cat snook in through Elizabeth's window and killed her bird, Petey." The next chapter was all about that. I think Zilpha should have held the suspense for that chapter. Also nothing good happened until chapter 5 or 7 then nothing good happened until the last 3 chapters. The characters in this book are April, Melanie, Toby, Marshall, Ken, and Elizabeth. I recommend this book to young adults who love Egypt and adventure.

Review of "The Egypt Game" by Hannah Strang

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Title:The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Hi! I'm here to tell you about "The Egypt Game." This is an exiting and suspense-filled book in which two girls, April and Melanie, make up a game where they become Egyptians and act out Ancient Egyptian rituals. Melanie, April, and Melanie's little brother Marshall play this game each day after school, and another three players eventually join the game. It's not all fun and games though, because the police have found evidence that a murderer might live in the six Egyptians' neighborhood! You'll have to read the book to find out what happens to the Egyptians and more importantly, the Egypt Game.

I thought that "The Egypt Game" was a good book, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves suspense and surprises. I enjoyed how April and Melanie were so different from each other, and yet, when they were together they made up the greatest of ideas! I also liked how the Egypt Game was played in both good, and evil perspectives. However, I thought that "The Egypt Game" was sometimes boring. Some times it was all talk and no action. Besides that, I thought that "The Egypt Game" was a very good book, and I think that you'll enjoy it too.

Reviewed by: Hannah Strang
Rating out of Five Stars: * * * * (4 out of 5)

Egypt Game Review

Book: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Genre: Relastic Fiction
Review by: Michele Mathis
Rating: 3 out of 5

April, touring Hollywood with her mom, watching her bing in the big lights, finds herself stuck in small town Casa Rosada with her Grandmother Caroline. Her mother left her to tour in a new production in Hollywood. There April meets a shy but bold girl named Melanie. April and Melanie become friends and uncover a secret place which they call Egypt. Then the journey begins. Thourgh thick and thin the Eygpt game sticks together to conquer the challenges. Thourgh out the book more people are watching and want to join the game. Events happen that make Egypt dissaper, there are mystries to uncover.

The book is written with some parts dry, but some fast and furious like when a child suddenly dissapers and when the guilty gets into Egypt. I, personally do not like it because it only has excitement in only some parts not the whole book, like persay, Nancy Drew. It really depends on the way you see it. Read it to see what you think.

The Egypt Game

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Reviewed by: Nicolette Manning

In this book six kids find a storage yard, but to them it wasn't just a storage yard it was Ancient Egypt; a place to get away and just pretend. April and Melanie had one thing in common: they liked to learn about Ancient Egypt. Soon the Egyptian group grew to six not just two. After school and on weekends, the Egyptians would meet in "Egypt." Soon strange things started happening in Egypt. The Egyptians wonder if they should quit the Egypt Game or not.

This book sometimes bored me, and other times kept me waiting to read more, for example I liked the part when Zilpha Snyder wrote about the murder. Over all it was a fairly good book; although some spots didn't hold my attention, like when the author wrote about Trick-or-Treating, it seemed to drag on forever.

Egypt Game Review

Rating: 2 0ut of five
Realistic fiction
The Egypt Game
By: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Reviewed by Erin Kielmeyer

The Egypt Game is about two kids making up a game that gets bigger and bigger. April just moved to the Casda roseda to live with her Grandmother Caroline because her mom Dorothea is going on tour. Melanie, another girl that lives in the Casda Roseda meets April and they think they have nothing in common but then they discover that both of them love learning about Ancient Egypt.

The two girls find an old junk yard owned by a man named the professor. The professor wasn't a very liked old man. To many people The professor was mysterious, creepy and very frightening. Melanie and April fix up the junkyard and start to play The Egypt Game. After a wile the two Egyptians grow into 6.

All of a sudden something happens that effected the Egypt Game forever.

My opinion about the book is it was ok. I liked how toward the end it left you hanging, but it went on and on in the beginning. It got really good in the last 4 chapters. It was very well written but it could have been better.

The Egypt Game

Egypt Game Book review

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha K. Snyder
genre: Realistic Fiction
By : Samantha K. Hudson
Rate: 8/8

This book begins with two girls named Melanie and April who start a game called the Egypt Game with Melanesia brother Marshall. Soon after they gain another player someone is murdered. Soon after the murder two more players join the game comes to it's max but, as it comes to it's max strange things start happens.....

More About the Players:
April is a girl who is staying ant her grandma's for awhile but doesn't really fit in.
Melanie is someone who lives in the same small town that Aprils staying in and becomes friends with April.
Marshall is Melanesia brother, is quite, and will not let go of a stuffed toy for the life of him.
Pofessor is a strange man...
The other 3 players Find out for your self!!!!
Thought is was a very good book for many reasons. 1 because it relates to my favorite subject... Egypt, 2 because all the characters are cunningly brought into the story, 3 they run on a carefully planned and exiting plot, and 4 it's just plain out well written!

The Egypt Game Belinda

The Egypt Game
By Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Genre Realistic Fiction
Review by Belinda Chen
Rating 2 out of 5

The Egypt game tells of the adventure of six kids, all enthralled in Ancient Egypt. Melanie Ross searches for a friend, and soon finds April Dawn, a Hollywood girl now living at the Casa Rosada. As the girls bond through time, pretty soon they discover each other's interest in Ancient Egypt. From two to six, the number of Egyptians triple. All of a sudden the six Egyptians; Aida, Bastet, Marshomisis, Neferbeth, Ramose, and Horemheb find themselves in between stolen possessions, strange answers, and for one of them, a near-death experience.

Zilpha Keatly Snyder has written many other books besides the Egypt Game, like its companion "The Gypsy Game," and "The unseen." She also wrote " The Headless Cupid."
My opinion of the Egypt Game was that it wasn't one of my favorite books that I read, because it wasn't exciting till the end, when most of the action occurred, and all was revealed. I didn't like how the book was mostly about, how the friends met and their everyday lives, and ceremonies in Egypt. The author, in my opinion could've done less on the descriptions of the ceremonies, and more on the characters emotions, and actions.

I would give this book two out of five stars because like I said previously, I didn't really like the book. Some comments I had on how to improve this book was to stop using everyone's different types of view, because it gets to be confusing, like from the professor's to Toby's to Ken's .
I would say, if you like a good mystery,, and Egypt, this book will be a perfect companion for you.

Egypt Game Review

The Egypt Game
By Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Olivia Krupp
Realistic Fiction

After getting sent away to live with her grandmother Caroline, April puts on her " Hollywood Act" when meeting Melanie Ross. Melanie is sure they'll have nothing in common until she discovers they both have a love for Egypt. Then they find the Professor's storage yard ,and soon there is six Egyptians instead of two. But after a horrible incident will they ever be back at Egypt again?

This book gets 4/5 stars . The suspense was great when strange things start to happen and something very unexpected happens to a main character. This book was full of imagination as characters preform special Egyptian ceremonies and create costumes. This book is a must read.

Egypt Game review:by Evan

Rating: 8 out of 10
Genre: realistic fiction
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Reviewed by: Evan Gardner
This book starts with a girl named April Hall, who moves into an apartment with her grandmother, Caroline, in a large university town in California. She meets a girl named Melanie Ross and finds they love everything about Egypt. Both of them find an old storage yard behind the unknown Professor's shop and play The Egypt Game, where they pretend they are in ancient times. Then, there are four more Egyptians, Elizabeth, Melanie's brother Marshall, Ken and Toby. They make costumes, think of names and make an oracle. Things get really creepy and Egypt's members are ready to call it quits.

This book is awesome and very exciting. I highly recommend it. I felt like I was in that situation and got very nervous, especially in between the middle and end of the story. I think it leads into the next book, The Gypsy Game, very well. I haven't read it, but based on how good The Egypt Game is, I can tell it will be another great one.

Egypt Game review

Rating 3 out of 5
Genre- realistic fiction
Reviewed by: Keegan Beaverson
Author - Zilpha Keatly Snyder

This book is about a girl named April and 5 other characters. Her mother Dorthea Dawn leaves her with her grandma Caroline. Her mom leaves her for her tour. April meets a girl named Melanie and her brother Marshall and eventually more characters come into the book. They find an abandoned storage yard behind A- Z antiques, curious, and used merchandise. They come up with "The Egypt Game" when they find a statue of Nefertiti. The game starts to become filled with mystery.

This book was okay to me. There were some spots that were exciting, full of mystery, and even scary. This book kept me on the edge of my seat. Sometimes I didn't even want to stop. So pick up this book. Even if it starts out slow you'll love this book. This book will leave you wanting more.

Egypt Game Book Review

Book: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Reviewed By: Dakota Bell

When April Hall moves in with her grandmother she thinks that it won't be any fun. But when she meets Melanie Ross and they discover Egypt no fun turns into lots of fun. Before long their are 6 Egyptians playing along and strange things begin to happen. After a near death incident, will the gang ever play again , or is the game over?

This book was one that I enjoyed the entire time. It gets 5 out of 5 stars because I thought that the book was written well and was in good sequence. It also gets 5 stars because of the great cliffhangers that the book left for you. It made me want to read lots more about the story. So, I hope that you will enjoy the book and find out the mysterious wonders of the Egypt Game.

Egypt Game/ Anna Messenger

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Reviewed By: Anna Messenger
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Dear Mr. A's Class,

A book you should read is The Egypt Game. This book is about a girl named April and how she had to move to a new town to live with her grandmother. As she is with her grandmother she begins to make friends. She and her friends end up wondering into an abandoned junk yard and begin to play the Egypt Game. A game with ceremony's, oracles, and a secret code. After a while things start to get creepy and out of hand. What will happen to the Egypt Game?

My opinion of this story was it was alright. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. I thought it was alright because in some parts it was very interesting but in others it was BORING! I also thought it was pretty good because it gave a lot of description to the characters. The second thing I didn't like was how in some parts it left you hanging. If I were you, I would read this book!

The Egypt Game Book Review-Brandy

Brandy Ackerman
By Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Realistic Fiction
rating:2 out of 5 stars
Melanie Ross meets April Hall by having lunch at Melanies house, where they find out they love anything to do with Egypt. They find an old, abandoned storage yard behind the A-Z Antique Shop, and Melanie and April play the Egypt Game. There are soon 6 Egyptians,and after school and on weekends they play The game. But then mysterious things start happening to the Egyptians. Will they play the Egypt game ever again? Will things ever be the same?

I think the boook needed more action, which is why I don't like the book. A reason why I did like it is because of the suspence, and the ciff-hanger endings to chapters. In the beginning of the book, Snyder has written "said" a lot:"Melanie said.April said."Grrrrrrrrr.She should add more 'colorful ' words such as murmurred, or retorted. It can be boring, but read it!!!

The Egypt Game

Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Rating: 1 out of 5

Genre: Realistic Fiction
By Haley Glandorff

The Egypt Game is about the first real friendship that Melanie had, and it happened to be with April Dawn. April Dawn is a girl "visiting" her grandmothers while her mother is on tour. Through their friendship they find likes, dislikes, interests and most importantly, there passion for Egypt. Together they create the Egypt Game in a mysterious backyard. The game participation triples from 3 to 6. When mysterious things start happening has the game gone to far...

The Egypt Game was defiantly NOT the best book ever. I did not like the book because the book was not exciting or interesting. There were some chapters that were as slow as snails but others were fast and furious. The parts thar I did like was the tragity, Dorthea, and the new members of the Egypt Game. The book over all was not the best.

Rating: 1 out of 5

The Egypt Book Review by Amy Fan

11-year-old April Hall is sent by her mother Dorthea who lives in Hollywood to go live with her grandmother. When she first meets Melanie Ross, she's not sure if they could be friends. But when they find out they both like imagining up stories, the real adventure begins!
At first its just playing with paper dolls, then later on, it is the discovery of Egypt! After re-aranging the old storage yard of the Professor's A-Z Antiques/Curios/Used Merchandise Shop, the find themselves the perfect place for the Egypt Game.
As the game continues on, they find an abundance of things to improove Egypt. They find things for the altars and costumes, even more members!
Buit then, strange this start happening to the game. Is it just them, or did they really come in contact with the gods?

This realistic fiction book is an excellent book. Even though the wording is a bit difficult to understand, anybody 4th grade and up. This is perhaps one of the Full of humor and mystery, you just can't stop until you've reached the end!

The Egypt Game

Dear, Mr. A's Class
I Give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Book by Zilpha Keatly Snyder
In the book the Egypt Game it follows the story of April, Melanie, and Marshall. But they are joined by others. The first several chapters are about how the Egypt Game gets started. Next something happens that could end the Egypt Game forever. Then very bad things start to happen to the players. Will the Egypt Game continue?
Overall I really liked the book. There were many parts that I liked but my favorites were the times when someone or the game itself was in danger. There were some boring pats like when they were discussing ideas. But all in all I liked it. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense and some action.
From Duncan Richardson

The Egypt Game reviewed by Holly

Genre: Realistic fiction
Title: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpa Keatly Snyder
Reviewed by: Holly Rothweiler

Dear Mr. A's class, here is my book review on the Egypt Game book. I hope you enjoy it.

Egypt. The place where very interesting things happen. 2 kids, Melanie and April start playing the Egypt Game in a deserted yard they call Egypt. They are both very different people but they both find they are very interested in Ancient Egypt. The deserted yard they stumble upon is the back yard of a store called A-Z antique shop owned by a mysterious old man named Professor.

After a while there are 6 players of the Egypt game. They have ceremonies, make costumes, create secret names, and a hieroglyphic code. But strange things start to happen to the 6 players of the Egypt game including a murder.

This book was just ok. I cant say it was one of my favorite books I have ever read because just did not interest me very much. It did get more interesting as the book went because mysterious things happened but there was not very many times these sort of things happened. I also did not like how it kept you at a cliff hanger at the end of each chapter. If you really like things that have to do with Ancient Egypt and you like mysteries this book is right for you. I give this book a four out of five.

The Egypt Game

Dear Mr. Amspokers Language Arts Class,

Rating: 3/5 The Egypt Game: At least read a few chapters!!!!

by : Zilpha Keatly Snider

The book "The Egypt Game" was/is about a Hollywood girl named April and her group of friends, Melanie,Marshall,( The trouble makers ) Toby,Ken, and Elizabeth. Melanie and Marshall are brother and sister and they live in the Casa Rosada along with April (who lives with her grandmother Caroline), and Elizabeth (who lives next to the janitor in the basement of the Casa Rosada and with her mother and sisters). These children were the original fourin the Egypt Game . The "Egypt Gand" came across an old storage yard in the back if the professors stoe and yard. this junk yard will soon become the GREAT land of Egypt.

This story was okay. I think that the begining of this story was poorly written because it was (in my opinion) boreing. towards the end the book became more and more juicy because there was a murder, Aprils movie star geek mother had written to her, and everythig was getting more out of hand than you can imagen it already was. this book was very interesting and I suggest that you read it!

Ileana A. Ille

The Egypt Game: reviewed by Peter Burroughs

The Egypt Game-Realistic Fiction
by Zilpha Snyder
reviewed by Peter Burroughs 6-C

The Egypt Game is about two girls, April Hall and Melanie Ross, who find they both have a strong interest in ancient Egypt. The girls soon discover a deserted storage yard behind an antique shop, and decide to begin the Egypt Game. Eventually, four more kids join the girls, making a group of six. Everyone believes it's just a game, until mysterious things begin happening. Is it just a prankster, or are there Egyptian gods at work?

The Egypt Game is about the mysterious happenings during a simple game, but is also about the feelings between a child and parent, a boy with his suspicions, and a man in seclusion.

The Egypt Game is sure to leave you wondering and itching to read more at every chapter with its suspensful cliffhangers and intriguing titles, not to mention the climatic ending where mysteries are solved and secrets are revealed. Personally, I enjoy fantasy books the most, but once I started reading the Egypt Game, it was almost impossible to stop at the end of each chapter. If I had to pick any non-fantasy book as my favorite, it would be the Egypt Game.

The author of the Egypt Game, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, lives in Marin County, California, and writes and has written many popular books for young readers.

Egypt Game Review

The Egypt Game

Reviewed by: Mariah Houser
Author:Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Realistic Fiction
4 out of 5

This book is about how two girls find a junkyard behind a mysterious store, owned by a mysterious Professor. Dun... Dun... DUN!! Then they start calling the junkyard Egypt. It gragually grows into 6 players. The original players are named April, Melanie, and Marshall.

A lot of strange and mysterious things start happening to Egypt, and the town. As one Egyptian faces problems with her mother, all the Egyptians are trying to keep Egypt a secret. At the end of some chapters, it just leaves you hanging there, wanting to read what will happen next.

My opinion of the story is that I enjoyed this book, but I have read better books. I enjoyed this book because it has a little bit of mystery, Egyptian ceremony's, and the question " Who did it". I gave it 4 out of 5 because it didn't give a lot of information about some of the characters, such as Melanie and Marshall.

Egypt Game Review

Egypt Game
by: Zilpha Keatly Snyder
In this book 6 members of the Egypt Game go through some crazy times, with ceremonies, costumes, burials and April's having trouble with her mom. But overall their all friends but when mysterious events happen the Egypt Gang finds out some weird answers to all the mayhem.
I thought this book was good because it holds all the secrets until the end and evensome secrets are still unkown. Also I liked how the Author described everything like the clothes they were wearing while in Egypt. Althogh I did like the book there were somethings I thought weren't so great. For example like some parts would just get really boring sometimes like when the book first started all the Author would do was describe th charactors.
Reviewer: Ryan Chambers
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Dear Mr. A's Class

The Egypt Game

By Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Reviewed by Rebecca Reisberg
Realistic Fiction
4 out of 5 stars

The Egypt Game is about six kids, and an octopus, that have exciting adventures in a place called Egypt which turns out to be the Professor's back yard. Then some not so happy things happen but ...I'm not going to tell you about them. When they are able to enjoy Egypt again these history-crazed kids find themselves wondering if they will ever enjoy it again.

This book was good. I found myself very happy when I came upon the sequel The Gypsy Game. I gave thins book four out of five stars for four reasons: 1. it was exciting 2. it was suspenseful 3. it was dramatic 4. it was just a great book. One thing I didn't like was on one page in my book it looked like it said "unpatriotie" but it should have said "unpatriotic". I also didn't like how one of the kids who joined later, kept on trying to take over everything. But I still liked it.